Sun Salutation "A"

September is Yoga Month! So here is a look at the foundation of a basic flow class: Sun Salutation "A".

sun salutation a

Synchronize the breath with the movements.
Typically, expansive or upward movements should be done on inhalations, and compressive or downward movements should be done on exhalations.

1. Begin in Mountain Pose, neutral standing position (not pictured). Spine long, shoulders relaxed, tailbone down. Navel in.

2. Inhale, sweep arms out to the sides and up overhead. Touch the palms together. Look up.

3. Exhale, bend forward from the lower spine, and lower head towards the knees, hands to the floor or shins. Bend knees if necessary.

4. Half-lift on an inhale to lengthen spine. Be careful not to arch the lower spine. Fingertips to the floor or shins. Then, place palms on floor, step back to Plank Pose (top of push-up).

5. From Plank, exhale as you slowly lower down to Low Plank. Hug elbows close to the sides of the body.

* Note: If hips are falling faster than the shoulders, lower the knees to the mat until you build the strength to practice the pose safely.

6. Inhale to Upward Facing Dog. Firm the thighs, press into the palms, shoulders down, head back. (Option to do Cobra instead, with hips and thighs on the floor and elbows bent.)

7. Exhale and lift hips towards the ceiling, press heels towards the floor. Head relaxed. Press firmly into the palms, especially the root of the index finger. Look in between the feet or towards the navel.

* Note: Avoid collapsing into the shoulders. Spin elbows in slightly so the inner elbows aim forward towards the front of the mat.

8. From Downward Dog, inhale, step or lightly hop the feet in between the hands, then lift chest to lengthen the spine.

9. Exhale, fold forward, lower head towards knees. Again, bend the knees if necessary.

10. Inhale, sweep arms out an up. Touch the palms together. Exhale, as you draw the hands down to heart center.