Heart-Melting Pose

Heart-melting Pose (Anahatasana) is a lovely shoulder- and heart-opener. It also creates an upper and mid-back bend, two areas of the spine that not many yoga poses address. This pose can be done in a Yin Yoga way and held for two minutes or more.

heart-melting pose


  1. Begin on hands and knees.
  2. Keep the hips positioned over the knees and gently walk your hands forward while lowering your chest towards the floor.
  3. If you have the flexibility, bring your chin onto the floor. *Be mindful of your neck.
  4. Hold for two minutes or longer. Breathe.


  • Shoulder opener
  • Backbend in upper and middle back
  • Nice alternative to Child's Pose if you have knee issues


  • Take caution if you have any neck issues


  • For tingling in the arms and fingers, this may indicate you are compressing a nerve. Readjust your arms.
  • For shoulder limitations, move the hands further apart
  • If unable to do both arms, do one arm forward and rest head on the other arm
One-arm modification

One-arm modification