Transitions by Jamie Rose

I'd like to introduce you to a truly beautiful soul, a good friend of mine and stellar yoga instructor, Jamie Rose. She has graciously shared her insights about transitioning from Summer into Fall.

Please visit her website to learn more about her

When I think of August, I am automatically taken back where nostalgia is strong and warm memories with an air of excitement and change fills my heart and soul. It’s a mid-summer night, Filer ID, 7:33 pm, under a cloud streaked sky, the air is warm and sweet, sending breezes of cool relief every so often with a soft whisper. Dusk is on the horizon, and as the sun slowly sets, the sky fades into a glow of magnificent shades, shades of slow burning embers; fiery reds, into rustic oranges, blending into rich yellows, fading into soft green as the light of the sun fades away into the pale blue of whats left of the day sky, the same sky that is seamlessly engulfed into the deepest depths of the nighttime hues. Stars, slowly and mysteriously twinkle into existence as the eyes flit across the wondrous evening. Crickets make their presence known as they play their tunes, while the fireflies glow about in a whimsical dance with one another. Summer is ending, and the transition into Fall is faint, but the warmth of its energy is no doubt present. Like little dust particles, the air buzzes of excitement all around; you cannot see it, but you can feel it. Sensations of what’s to come ignites from within; change, growth, and is a sign of the old closing and the new doors, pathways, possibilities are opening.

As we start to slowly turn the corner of summer, I feel the shifts and pulls of not only the space around us, but the space within.

August is the birth month of the constellation sign of Leo, the lion, a fire sign. The sign of Leo signifies the search of self-awareness, growth, having the ability to follow ones true passion at heart, among many other qualities. Fire in its element form, signifies heat, light, transformation and purification.

It’s times like these where I allow the forces around me to tug, prod, prick, taunt, and swoon, all whilst continuing to have an open heart, mind, and soul to experience what this life has to offer me and how I act within it. I think of it as an opportunity to create the foundation, and the space, of becoming more self aware, more present with who I am, who and what I want to be in this life, on this planet, as a human being. As human beings, we are made of many “layers”, therefore, self-awareness is a constant life's journey and lesson, it’s never ending, but when open to it, it’s enlightening. It is a journey of self- understanding and acknowledgment on a deeper level of one's true intentions, the fuel and passion that ignites our own fire, and allowing the light within to grow even brighter. For me personally, 2017 has already had many new beginnings, a lot of change, and growth.

One of the many lessons this year that had made itself very present, is that where there is new growth, old mindsets and patterns tend to shed and, naturally, shifts occur. Within these shifts, my heart’s intentions have been questioned, or maybe second guessed, and I find that my inner light is being challenged. I do try to accept such challenges with grace, with poise, to not overreact, but to act with intention. Although, this year has been harder in some ways, and I believe its because as I move forward in my path, I am becoming more aware of who I am, what my “purpose” may possibly be, I am growing, and with growth, I know I am changing, transforming into a better version of myself.

For a lot of people change is a scary thought; that means stepping out of the comfort zone, to let go of expectations, to face challenges, to live in the unknown, to have insecurities come up and flood the mind, doubt can control the heart, and fears can create imbalance. It is a feeling of not being “accepted” that has come up for me, directed from those who may not visualize on the same wave length, who may not have the same ideas, or maybe they are scared of change.

It is the month of August, the Lion's birth month, and with the electrical buzz in the air, the excitement of transitioning into new beginnings, and the calmness that comes when knowing that in the end it will be okay, I continue to spark my inner flame, my heart's passions, and the light within. This is my own personal path. And that's it, we are all on our own personal journeys.

I invite you to find the inner lion, your inner flame, to allow the light that resides in you to grow brighter, steadier, and allow that to shine from within and exude out, we all can shine brightness, as long as we are true and accepting to all layers of ourselves.

With love and peace,
    Jamie Rose