Finding Beauty in the Transitions


This past month, I have been contemplating major changes coming up. Basking in the mindfulness and heightened awareness that accompanies big shifts.

Circumstance has made me a creature of change and transition. I thrive in an atmosphere of growth and expansion, and that usually means significant upheaval, which tends to be uncomfortable for most. But this is when we have the opportunity to evaluate our priorities and our desires, as well as our true intentions behind them. When we can honor the situations and circumstances we've experienced, and the people that have been a part of them, and step forward into the undiscovered potential of our new life. Resistance is a barrier to the full joy available in these times. Surrender and presence are called for.

Over the next several weeks, as I move (literally) through to the next phase of life, I'm reflecting with gratitude on the path that's lead me here.