Sun Signs and Moonbeams


Today people across the U.S. will witness a rare astronomical event: a total solar eclipse.

The eclipse occurs during the New Moon in the sign of Leo. As I've read from multiple sources, the astrological environment right now is extremely fertile for intention-setting connecting to your highest purpose.

Solar eclipses are not a dimming of light. They are a brief masking of the light source which still maintains its full luminousness in the background.

If we look at the sun and moon as representations of yin and yang energy, the yin moon correlates to our inner self, and the yang sun correlates to our outer, expressive self. When we overlay this theme of total solar eclipse, we can conceptualize the inner self, our desires and intentions, passing in front of what we typically shine out into the world, almost like an unavoidable pronouncement of who we are inside.

August is my birth month, and as with my sun sign, Leo, I feel my outer self transitioning into a brief but total eclipse. Even my birthday this year was more interior than years past. I spent it at home, sipping champagne in a hammock, surrounded by close loved ones.. very mellow, and wonderful. So, this is a short insight, but I hope to have more on the other side. Until then... ♡