Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose

This is a compression pose.
Focus on the compressing the front side of your body and rounding your spine rather than trying to feel a stretch in your legs.

Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose BW.jpg


  1. Bring your arms over your head, palms together, thumbs crossed, elbows locked.
  2. Step to the right so that your feet are about 3-ft apart.
  3. Turn on your heels to face the right side.
  4. Inhale, stretch up. Exhale, pull your belly in, tuck your chin to your chest and round down.
  5. Bring your forehead to your knee. If your forehead does not touch your knee, bend your knee to create the connection. You may also separate your hands and press your fingertips into the floor to help round your spine.


  • Strengthens abdomen, thighs and calves
  • Creates compression of the diaphragm, thyroid and pancreas
  • Provides extension of the medulla oblongata (brain stem), as well as the kidneys
  • Stimulates digestive system and entire endocrine system, including thyroid/parathyroid, pancreas and kidneys
  • Boosts metabolism and immune systems
  • Balances hormones and blood sugar levels
  • Brings blood circulation to the brain - good for memory