Archer Pose

archer pose

Archer Pose (Akarna Dhuanurasana) is one of those poses that looks easy but can be challenging for many. This variation crosses the upper foot across the body. There is another variation in which the foot is pulled towards the ear on the same side of the body. Both variations require a great deal of hip flexibility. It is helpful to attempt this pose after warming up with some hip- and shoulder-openers, twists, and hamstring stretches.


  1. Sit with both legs stretched out in front of you. Cross your right ankle over your left leg, just above the knee in a figure four position.
  2. Reach for your left foot with your right hand. Clasp your big toe over the top with all fingers except the index finger. Your index finger should rest on the top of your foot at the toe creases, pointing in the direction of the pinkie toe. Flex your left foot and contract your left thigh.
  3. With your left hand, clasp the right big toe in the same way (with the index finger on top of the foot). Point your right toes.
  4. Inhale, stretch up out of the waist and twist your upper body to the left. Keep your core engaged.
  5. Exhale, with your right toes pointed, pull your right foot up towards your left ear. Keep flexing your left foot and tightening the thigh. Draw your left elbow up and back. Chin to your right shoulder. There should be a straight line from your left elbow to your right hand.
  6. Switch sides.

Increases hip flexibility
Strengthens arms, shoulders, and core
Stretches arms and legs

Shoulder injury
Hamstring injury
Lumbar disc issues or injury
Avoid if pregnant