Camel Pose

camel pose on SUP

Camel Pose (Ustrasana) is a wonderful heart-opener! This is considered a peak pose in many practices, so please be sure to warm up first with smaller back bends, shoulder openers, and front-body/quad stretches before coming into this pose. 


1. Stand on your knees with knees and feet apart 6 inches, parallel to each other. You may stay up on the toes or bring the tops of your feet to the floor.

2. Place your hands on your hips with the fingers pointing down.

3. Inhale, lift your chest. Exhale, slowly lower your head back. Inhale again, chest up. Exhale, slowly lower back halfway, continuing to support yourself with your hands on your hips.

4. If this feels okay, bring your hands to your heels, one at a time with the fingers pointing down and thumbs outside. Continue to lift up with your chest and push your hips forward. Breathe.

5. To come out of the pose, bring your hands to your hips then shift your hips forward slightly to reverse out, bringing your head up last. Sit in your heels for a couple of breaths.



  • Chest and shoulder opener, creates front side fascial release
  • Good for postural alignment
  • Creates maximum compression of the spine, good for nervous system


  • Take caution if you have any back, spine or neck issues


  • If you are unable to bring your hands to your heels, either try one at a time or keep both hands on your hips to support yourself and relax your head back