A Prayer I Say Silently After Each Yoga Practice

The end of a yoga class to me feels like a very open and connected time. I feel centered and relaxed and peaceful. This is a conducive state for expressing gratitude and intentions for being.

Rather than a yoga posture, this month I thought I'd share with you a prayer that I speak silently to myself after each yoga practice. I shared it with the Raja Yoga teacher trainees at the end of the class I lead. This is the base of the prayer, which sometimes changes if I have other things going on.

Prayer Backbend

Dear God [Universe/Spirit],

Thank you for my strong, flexible, healthy, vital, intelligent, beautiful body.

Thank you for my teacher [the instructor], my teacher [the other practitioners around me], my teacher [my Self].

Allow me to BE in this world with a positive attitude (inside and out), a peaceful spirit (inside and out), humility, self-confidence, and unconditional love for myself, my friends, my family, and everyone I meet.


(I grew up Catholic, so Amen is still my prayer's send button. It translates to mean "So be it.")