Standing Backward Bend
/“The little reed, bending to the force of the wind, soon stood upright again when the storm had passed over. 🌾”
The spine’s movement and flexibility are obviously a very important parts of backward bending, but it’s also important to bring awareness to the intense stretching in the front side of the body. Breathe into the stretch. Backbends also require openness in the hips and shoulders.
- Make sure you're warmed up.
- Stand with your heels and toes together, weight even, press down through the soles of your feet.
- Straighten your legs and tighten your hips and thighs. Tailbone down.
- Bring your arms over your head, clasp the hands and release the index fingers. Thumbs crossed.
- Look up and back, and very slowly lower your head back. Relax your head and neck.
- Inhale, lift up out of the lower spine, and remember to stay lifted as you start to bring your arms back. Begin to push your hips forward to counterbalance the backward bend.
- For me, I initiate more depth with my sternum, like I’m diving backwards, and then further deepen my posture by first looking back more and then by bringing my arms way back.
- Be somewhat gentle with your spine. Feel your way into it.
- You should still be able to breathe in a backward bend.
- Inhale to come up. Exit the posture slowly and mindfully.